Dr Paul Ong 王钊龙医生

Dr. Paul Ong 王钊龙医生

Dr Paul Ong 王钊龙医生

Senior Consultant Cardiologist

BA (Cambridge)
MA (Cambridge)
MB BChir (Cambridge)
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology

Dr. Paul Ong 王钊龙医生 is a senior consultant cardiologist and subspecialized in interventional cardiology.
Clinical Experience in England and Singapore
Dr Ong graduated with honours from the University of Cambridge and pursued his cardiology specialist training in London “golden circuit” of heart centres at Hammersmith, Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals. He was appointed NHS cardiology consultant and Cathlab Director at the Lister Hospital and the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust in 2006. He was subsequently elected as Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology in 2008.
After 23 years in England, Dr Ong moved to Singapore in 2009 and headed the Interventional Cardiology Service at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Within a decade, his team had transformed TTSH to become one of the best interventional cardiology centres in SE Asia.
Having served as a senior doctor in England and Singapore opened his mind to a global perspective on heart disease management and helped him remain sensitive to local practice nuances.
Innovation and Cutting Edge Technology
Dr Ong prides himself as one of the pioneers to embrace the trans-radial approach in coronary angioplasty when the technique was still new. He has dedicated his time to proctor many doctors in Singapore and Asia to practise this safer technique.
He also played a pivotal role in introducing and adopting numerous cutting edge technologies in Asia Pacific. This included renal denervation for hypertension, intravascular lithotripsy for treating calcified blood vessels and Impella heart pump to protect the very sick patients during high risk angioplasty. Dr Ong is the first cardiologist to perform Robotic assisted angioplasty in SE Asia. He has demonstrated many of these novel techniques in live cases sharing his experience with other doctors around the globe through international medical conferences.

Educator, Researcher and Advisor

In the last decade, he has made over a hundred trips to lecture and proctor angioplasty in Asia. He was instrumental in securing funding to start a heart attack angioplasty programme in Myanmar. Many cardiology fellows in the UK and SE Asia have benefited from his training. Today a lot of them are established opinion leaders in their countries.
Dr Ong is internationally renowned for his expertise in Primary Angioplasty to treat heart attack patients. He is the founder of the Asia Primary Angioplasty Congress (APAC) and the Asia Physiology and Coronary Imaging Course (APACi). He was also the Asia Champion of the Stent Save a Life initiative. These provided the ideal platform for specialists to exchange ideas and deliver better cardiac care in Asia.
Dr Ong is one of the few interventional cardiologists from Singapore to initiate his own multi-centre clinical trials studying hundreds of heart attack patients across Asia. He was principal investigators of more than 20 large scale randomised clinical trials. He has over 60 high impact scientific publications in international medical journals. In recognition of his contribution in the field of interventional cardiology Dr Ong is regularly invited to sit in organising committee of scientific meetings and advisory boards.
In his spare time, Dr Ong enjoys travelling, photography and jogging.